30th Birthday Speeches for my Best Friend
Some best friends are even closer than family! They share both your joys and sorrows, offer a helping hand in your trying moments and give you that unmistakable assurance that you will not go through this life alone. On their birthdays, such friends need to be celebrated and told how much their contributions are valued.
For now, we’ll leave it to the sample speeches below to inspire you to pen something sweet and touching for your best friend’s 30th birthday celebration. Good luck!

Funny Birthday Speeches for my Best Friend
Speech 1
It gives me great pleasure and joy to give a word on this thirtieth birthday celebration of my best friend of all time. Those of you who know my friend will attest to his penchant for dissecting every frog, lizard, bird, and, yes, ant he sees to find out its biological make-up. And it’s this curiosity that has kept our friendship alive for all these years. I mean come on, if he’s not calling to check in on the wife and kids, he’s offering to buy treats for our canine and feline friends, and so on. And when he feels you are upset, he won’t stop probing until he’s gotten to the root of the matter.
Last but not least, ladies and gentlemen, this young man is a true lover of karaoke, indulging in the activity whenever he has some time to kill. This explains why he showed up at work the other time with a sore throat because he had probably binged on karaoke the whole night. Whatever the case, he surely owes a huge debt of appreciation to the Japanese who invented it. So, I entreat you all to join me in making a toast to the long life, prosperity, health, and happiness of my friend. Wishing him a fun and fulfilling thirtieth birthday. Thank you.
Speech 2
I couldn’t be happier to be standing at this very court at this very hour and celebrating the birthday of a man who is in many respects a brother as he is a best friend. Ladies and gentlemen, it was in this very house that my friend and I grew up, stealing candies and chocolate from the top of the kitchen counter; stealing puppies from the neighbors, much to our guardians’ chagrin; and even supplicating to be sent to the same college. Indeed, he may have his peccadillos but there’s also a generous, and kind side to this man that only those who know him well can attest to. He paid gobs of his own money to send several orphaned kids through college; renovated the community library to allow access to the physically disabled, free of charge; and established an endowment fund to promote further research into childhood cancer. Also, ladies and gentlemen, this young man who is now thirty is an avid fan of soccer, although he hasn’t been able to do much on the field than score own goals. On behalf of the boys on the soccer team and the many of us who have benefited from his kindness and generosity, I’d like to wish him a very happy birthday and a fruitful year ahead. Cheers.
Sentimental and Cute Birthday Speeches for my Best Friend
Speech 1
Thirty years of hard work, perseverance, fun, and learning is worth celebrating! Ladies and gentlemen, friends, and family, who are gathered here this afternoon, I like to think of this occasion as not only a birthday but also a reflection upon the three things that, I think make up the core of who my friend is. Firstly, she’s a voracious reader. Talk of philosophy, medicine, science, imaginative literature, political theory and government, etc., chances are that she has read extensively in the field and can have meaningful conversations in it. It’s no wonder her other friends and I call her the global citizen because geography seems not to limit the breadth of her knowledge. Secondly, she’s a true sportswoman. Let’s face it, it’s rare to see an opponent who has lost a game look all cheerful and even supportive of the winner. Yet that is the spirit that our friend brings to bear on the field of play. Last but not least, she’s a consummate partier! During our semester abroad in Paris, everyone but our friend was dismayed to find out that the parties go on until six in the morning. Oh, and she had the stamina to stay that long. May her thirtieth birthday be her best year yet, and may she prosper in everything she does. Thank you all for coming and sharing this remarkable day with this remarkable friend of mine.
Speech 2
I usually describe my best friend as docile, extremely generous, humble, and possessing self-sacrificial love and, whenever I do, people give me that look of “oh come on, man, no man born of woman can possess self-sacrificial love”. They still hold on to this view until I describe the details of the qualifiers that I used for her, as I’m about to do now. First of all, during our high school days, my friend would not retaliate or even bandy blows and insults with the unruly kids in class. She would even give them gifts on the last day of school despite their mean disposition towards her. Coming from an extremely wealthy family, my friend never had problems with money – it was at her beg and call whenever she needed it. Nevertheless, she was seldom gaudy and impulsive, always appearing in the simplest of clothes and only buying what she truly needed. In fact, some of her longtime friends found out about her socio-economic status only recently. Then, during our stint at the military, she showed tremendous courage and self-sacrificial love by laying on top of a grenade to prevent its explosion from ‘killing’ the rest of us in the group. We got to find out that the grenade was a fake only when it failed to explode. I wish her a truly awesome birthday and many more years of self-discovery and fulfillment. Thank you.
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