Best 25+ Bunny Puns About Fluffy Happy Hoppers
We all think that bunnies are cute, right? After all, Easter is characterized by a hopping bunny that brings candy to all the young girls and boys of the world. Bunnies are cute, fluffy, playful, and full of energy. Who wouldn’t love having a cute little rabbit as a pet? They give lots of love and cuddles for sure!
Bunny puns and jokes are funny, but you may not be able to think of one right off the bat when the time calls for it. If one of your favorite animals is a furry bunny, keep reading for a list of the best bunny puns ready for use! Your friends and family will get a kick out of them for sure!

- Where do all of the newlywed bunnies go after their wedding ceremony? On their bunny-moon.
- What type of game does a bunny like to play with his friends? The bunny-hop!
- Why did the bunny sign up for an online dating site? He wanted some bunny to love!
- Where do deviled eggs come from? A bunny that worships the devil.
- What song is always requested first at the rabbit dance? The bunny-hop.
- Why did the bunny refuse to go out in public? She was having a very bad hare day.
- What should you do with a dust bunny? See if she wants to clean your house.
- Why did the rabbit give his foot to his friend? He wanted to get lucky at the casino!
- What happens when kids see the Easter bunny hopping around? They get egg-cited!
- What did one girl bunny say to her friend about another? “Check out the bad dye job on her!”
- Where did the style of hip-hop dance originate from? A rabbit, of course!
- What did the lady bunny hope to get from her boyfriend? An 18-carrot ring.
- Why are rabbits considered to be so lucky? Because they all have four feet!
- Why do rabbits change light bulbs easier than other animals? Because they can hop to it anytime!
- What kind of beer do bunny rabbits drink? Beer made with hops!
- What do young bunnies play during recess? A game of hopscotch!
- My rabbit doesn’t seem to carrot all about his new toys.
- What does a rabbit say when they are in church? Lettuce pray.
- What happens when a bunny gets in a lot of trouble at school? He may get egg-spelled.
- What is a bunny’s favorite adjective in the English language? Eggs-cellent!
- Whatever happened to the Energizer Bunny? His battery wore out.
- Why did the Energizer Bunny have to go to jail? He was arrested for Battery.
- Why do adults say that eating carrots are good for your vision? Because no one ever saw a rabbit wearing glasses!
- What do you call a bunny that has a lot of hope for the world? A hop-timist.
- What movie was sold out to all the bunnies? The Fast and The Furriest
- What does a bunny use to put on her makeup? A powder puff.
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