Happy Birthday, Dad In Heaven | Wishes And Poems
When someone you love moves on, your heart hurts so much it feels like the pain will never go away. Try to remember all the joy your dad brought into your life and everything he taught you. He may be gone from the physical world, but he will always be in your heart.
Remember him on his birthday to celebrate the remarkable man who once graced your life. Talk to him, light a candle, say a prayer, take a walk and feel him by your side or simply smile because you know how lucky you were to be blessed with such an amazing man for your dad.

Birthday Wishes for Dad in Heaven
- Happy birthday, my beloved dad. Although you are in heaven now, the lessons you taught me as a child have continued to shape my life. My love for you is as strong as ever.
- For my dad on his birthday. Even though you have been gone for many years, you are always in my thoughts on this day. I still keep your picture on the mantle.
- You always taught me to stand tall and fight for my beliefs. Instead of saying goodbye, every year on your birthday I honor your memory. I love you dad.
- Every year on your birthday I tell my kids stories about their incredible grandfather. I still miss you dad and I promise your grandchildren are proud of the man you were.
- Can you feel my heart calling to yours on your birthday dad? I still have problems believing you are gone but I treasure every day we spent together.
- Happy birthday, dad. I bought a 5000 piece puzzle to honor you on this special day. The kids and I have been putting it together all day while we tell stories about you.
- Happy birthday, dad. I wish you could have met the man I married. I know you would have liked him. I told him all about you and how you went to heaven too soon.
- I am sending birthday wishes to you in heaven today dad. If not for your wisdom and kindness I would not be the person I am today. Thank you for everything you did.
- Well dad, another year, another birthday. No matter how many years pass since you went to live with the angels, I never forget you. I love you even more now than I did then.
- As I celebrate your birthday dad, I hope you know what a good father you were. How much you taught me and the morals you instilled. My heart both rejoices and weeps when I think of you.
- I baked you a cake for your birthday today dad. Of course, it is chocolate. My first bite was for you. For your love, strength, generosity and wisdom.
- I want to wish you the grandest birthday of all time dad. You gave me memories that are a part of who I am. I wonder, can you see me looking towards the heavens? I like to think you can. I hope you are smiling the smile I miss so very much.
- Happy birthday, dad. Do you remember my tenth birthday? The one where you gave me the stuffed horse that still sits on my dresser. I wish we could have made more memories together. I am also grateful for each and every one I have.
- I told my best friend I still celebrate your birthday dad. I waited for her to laugh at me. Instead, she asked if we could celebrate together. You would have loved her. We had hot dogs with mustard in your honor. I still remember.
- You would have been proud of me today dad. I did not lose my temper. You taught me well. Happy birthday to the best father that ever was.
- Every year on your birthday I think of all the lessons you taught me. This is my way of making certain I never forget you. Celebrate your birthday in heaven dad, I am.
- I want you to know why I still celebrate your birthday dad. I want to remember the family barbeques, when we planted that big tree in the front yard and all of the laughter. I have passed on the memories.
- I remember your birthday every year dad. You were what every father should be. I like to tell people you were cut from the old cloth. I wish they still made the same fabric.
- Happy birthday, dad. I got you a present this year. My husband carved a frame out of maple for you. I put in your wedding picture. I am so proud to have had a dad like you. We miss you.
- I will never forget my childhood dad. I only wish we could celebrate your birthday together again. I love you, I respect you and I honor you.
- I know you are still watching over me dad. I feel you almost every single day. This is especially true today because it is your birthday. I know I was not an easy kid to raise, but thanks to you I am proud of who I have become.
- I got up early today dad, so I could celebrate your birthday in the park you loved when you were alive. I raised a glass of lemonade to the skies and let you consume my thoughts.
- Happy birthday, dad, I bet you are one of the most beautiful angels in heaven. I understand the things you tried to tell me when you were alive now. You made a difference.
- Every year on your birthday I read a few chapters of your favorite book. Thank you for the love of literature, art and beauty you passed on.
- Wishing you a magnificent birthday dad. If I could go back in time and choose the man who was to be my father, I would choose you. You are everything I could ever have wanted or hoped for. I miss you.
Birthday Poems for Dad in Heaven
- I felt something special in the wind today.
Once I realized it was my dad, all I wanted was for him to stay.
I know he is smiling down on me.
As I turned to the skies it was plain to see.
I always remember him on this important day.
This is his birthday and my feelings of love will never go away.
- I can feel my dad on his birthday every year.
When his arms were around me, I had nothing to fear.
I remember everything he taught me when I was a child.
He had so much patience because sometimes I was calm, at other times wild.
I remember the smile he almost always wore.
This was how he guided me when I was lost at sea to the safety of the shore.
- Here I sit with an old photo album on my lap.
There are pictures of my dad as a young man wearing his favorite baseball cap.
Although it is his birthday, we will not be spending the day at the game.
He is no longer the star of my life, but in heaven, he has found his fame.
I will never forget the day he caught that foul ball.
He placed it right in my hand that amazing day so late in the fall.
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