Best 80 Birthday Messages for your Nephew
Your nephew’s birthday is here again! And as you join him in celebrating this great day of his life, you can transform his anniversary into a more exciting one with the aid of the wonderful wishes our team of experts have prepared below.
That adorable nephew of yours is not just an ordinary person in your life. We are fully aware of that, and that is the reason why no effort was spared in the crafting of the messages below.

Table of Contents
- Funny Birthday Wishes for your Nephew
- Happy 10th Birthday, Nephew!
- Happy 16th Birthday, Nephew!
- Happy 18th Birthday, Nephew!
- Happy 20th Birthday, Nephew!
- Happy 21st Birthday, Nephew
- Happy Birthday Wishes for an Adult Nephew
- Sweet Happy Birthday Wishes for a Young Nephew
Funny Birthday Wishes for your Nephew
- Nephew, if I were to pay for the countless happy moments that you’ve brought into my world, I’d surely go bankrupt by now!
- May the blessings in your life be as numerous as Taylor Swift’s exes. Have a perfect birthday!
- Today, have a blast – for a change. Happy birthday from your phenomenal uncle/aunt!
- May happiness love being in your heart like the Rolling Stones love being on stage. Have a rocking birthday party!
- Here’s to another great year of driving your enemies mad with your achievements.
- May your blessings be as big as Johnny Bravo’s upper body and your problems as tiny as his legs.
- How your small cake can carry so many candles all by itself is nothing short of a miracle.
- May problems run away from you like bad guys run away from Chuck Norris! Have a great birthday and a fantastic day!
- I hope you are not going to keep shouting “mommy” like you did with a crying voice when you came out of the womb. We love you so much, our precocious fellow. Have a blast!
- I won a huge lottery on the day you were born, so please continue to bring me good luck each year with your charming smile. Happy birthday, my dear nephew.
- Today, it will rain lots of ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, and peanut butter jelly sandwiches solely for your sweet tooth. Enjoy your day, darling.
- I was usually the reluctant counselor when the young girlfriend had issues but now no more, because you can take care of things yourself. Happy birthday to my amazing, grown-up nephew!
- My nephew, you are not old, but vintage! You’re my crazy nephew, but I love you.
- Clear the roads! He’s old enough to drive! Happy birthday, nephew, and just give me a call when you’re ready to get your license.
- It’s always a good thing to support wildlife, and that is why on your special day we shall have a super wild party!
- Nephew, you’re a smart, kind, generous, hard-working and good-looking young man. You clearly take after your aunt/uncle. Have a great day!
- Nephew, because you are amazing, I don’t mind drinking all the waters of the seas just to put a smile on your face.
Happy 10th Birthday, Nephew!
Hitting “double digits” is a big deal, so here are a few messages of love and encouragement for a little boy who’s growing up fast!
- Happy birthday, nephew! Tell mom and dad to give you an extra slice of cake from me!
- You’re my favorite nephew in the world. No, it doesn’t matter that you’re my only nephew. You’re my favorite anyway! Happy birthday!
- Nephew, I’m so proud of you. You’re growing into a fine young man. Best wishes from your aunt/uncle.
- This is a very special day, isn’t it? I hope that you’re having a great time. I’m sorry that I can’t be there, but you’re always in my heart.
- Wow, nephew! You’re growing up so fast that I don’t even recognize you anymore! Have some mercy on your poor aunt/uncle, will you? Happy returns!
- To my dearest nephew, I hope that you have a wonderful day. Your aunt/uncle is sending you lots of love.
- If I could only have one nephew in the entire world, I’d want it to be you. Best wishes on this amazing day!
- Nephew, I can’t believe that you’re 10 years old. Time is really flying! Please know that I’m thinking of you.
- Hi, birthday boy! I’m sending you lots of hugs and kisses. You deserve each and every one.
- Best wishes to the world’s greatest nephew. I hope that you have an amazing day filled with toys, presents, cakes, kisses and lots of love!
- Nephews come in all shapes and sizes, but there’s something special about you. I’m wishing you great things on this special day.
Happy 16th Birthday, Nephew!
To celebrate another major milestone, here are a few well-wishes for his sweet 16th.
- This is a special day for you, dearest nephew! Turning 16 is a truly wonderful time in a teen’s life. And I am so glad that you get to experience it. I hope it fills your world with exciting adventures and true happiness. Happy 16th birthday!
- I wish an outstandingly beautiful birthday celebration to an outstandingly amazing nephew who turns 16 today. I hope this special age that you have attained today is filled with lots of amazing things. Happy 16th birthday!
- May you fulfill your amazing potential in life. Happy 16th birthday.
- Dear nephew, on your 16th birthday, I pray that you will find yourself on the path of eternal happiness and prosperity.
- You are a gift from God to be loved, cherished, and nurtured to greatness. I’ll do my best to help you all the way. Happy 16th birthday.
- A 16th birthday is a major milestone in a person’s life. I hope that yours is everything that you’d hoped! Your aunt / uncle is sending you good vibes!
- I love you so much, nephew. You’re growing into the kind of person that any aunt / uncle would be proud of, and I couldn’t ask for anything more. You’re my heart and soul.
- Birthdays are when we look back and realize how far we’ve come. I hope that you had a good year, nephew, and that your next year will be equally amazing.
- This message is for the boy who is just as sweet as his sweet 16th. May you have a wonderful year with nothing but luck, fortune, health and wealth.
- To my beloved nephew, I hope that you’re able to achieve all of your dreams and then some. I’ll always be in your corner. Best wishes to you.
- Not every uncle/aunt is blessed like I am to have such a brilliant and energetic young man as his nephew. I want you to know that you will always have my support, especially as you drive through this very demanding stage in your life. Happy birthday.
- Today is such a special day because I know that I have a brave and intelligent nephew who turns sixteen years today. I trust you will safely drive your friends’ home tonight for the celebration of this new age in your life. Happy birthday, nephew!
- Your parents would be very proud to have a son like you. And as for me, words are insufficient to express my satisfaction on the person you have turned out to be. I will support you to reach even greater heights. In the mean time, enjoy this sweet sixteenth birthday of yours.
Happy 18th Birthday, Nephew!
For the boy who has become a man, here are a few birthday wishes to celebrate the passage of time with warmth and affection.
- Hey, mister! You might be an adult now, but you’re never too old for hugs and kisses! Come and get some birthday love from me!
- Nephew, you’re at an exciting stage of your life, and I hope you know that you can always come to me for love, support, advice and late-night snacks. You’re the best!
- I’m so excited for you, nephew. Turning 18 is such an exciting occasion in a young man’s life. I can’t wait to see where you go from here.
- You’re all grown up! When did this happen? Happy birthday to my favorite nephew, and I hope you realize that you’ll always be a snotty little two-year-old in my heart.
- I can’t believe that you’re 18 now! Have a great day, and stay safe. I’m rooting for you!
- Nephew, I remember being 18. It’s such a great age. Here’s to hoping that you have a fantastic time as an 18-year-old!
- Dear nephew, I’m sorry that I can’t be with you on this special day, but please know that you never leave my mind or my heart. I’m so incredibly proud of you. I hope that you have a spectacular day.
- Best wishes to my favorite nephew. No matter how many nephews are running around in the world, you’ll always be the best.
- Nephew, I can’t believe that you’re all grown up. I remember when you were a weird little creature in footie pajamas. Have a great day!
- Congratulations to my favorite nephew who turns 18 today. May this beautiful day clothe your life with the colors of happiness. Happy 18th!
- I wish you all the luck in the world as you begin making your first steps into the world of adults. Happy 18th birthday!
- Happy 18th birthday, dearest nephew! I hope you can use the freedom that comes with this age to achieve your full potential.
- I raise a toast to the world’s most amazing 18-year old; you never cease to amaze me with your style and charm. Here’s to many more years of fun with you. Happy 18th!
- You’ve just turned 18 in the most graceful way possible! And I’m so proud of you, my dearest nephew. May you live a long life full of hope, success and happiness. Have a fabulous 18th birthday!
Happy 20th Birthday, Nephew!
He’ll never be too old to get birthday wishes, so here are a few to make him smile!
- You might be growing up, but you’ll always be my baby. I’ll put you in time-out if you say otherwise! Happy birthday to the best nephew ever!
- I love you, nephew. I hope that you’re working hard, chasing your dreams and living life to the fullest. You deserve every happiness on this special day.
- Nephew, I have such vivid memories of holding you in my arms. I can’t believe that you’re 20 years old now! I love you!
- Blessings to you on your birthday! I’m wishing you health and happiness for this day and all of the days to come.
- Nephew, I hope that you’re not too old to get a sappy message from your aunt/uncle. I love you, and I’m proud of you. You’ve grown into a fine young man.
- Nephew, you deserve great things on this special day. I hope that you get everything that you want. I’m wishing you health and happiness from afar!
- Happy birthday, squirt! You might be 20 years old in the eyes of the law, but the law is nothing compared to an aunt/uncle’s memory! Best wishes to my baby!
- Nephew, you can’t be 20 years old! This means that I’m 20 years older as well! Why don’t we forget the birthday and look for the fountain of youth together? It’ll be my treat!
- Nephew, I’m so proud of you. I would admire your strength, courage, intelligence and determination even if you were a complete stranger to me. It’s a blessing that I get to know and love you as kin.
- Happy returns, nephew! I can’t wait to see you again. Fair warning: I’m going to embarrass you with lots of hugs and kisses. Prepare yourself!
- I said it when you were young, and I’ll say it again. You’re the best nephew ever. This won’t change whether you’re a two-year-old or a 20-year-old!
- Nephew, you brought one of the greatest joys to my life. You turned me into an aunt/uncle. I’ll always be grateful, and I’ll always love you. Best wishes.
Happy 21st Birthday, Nephew
- It’s a great honor that the most amazing 21 year old in the world is my nephew.
- Dearest nephew, you’ve bloomed into a caring, intelligent, and handsome young man, whom I’m so proud of. Keep on shining and blossoming as the heavens intended for you. I love you. Happy 21st birthday.
- May God’s protection and favor fall upon you as you celebrate your 21st birthday today. You are an amazing person in my life, and I’m so grateful that we are related.
- On your 21st birthday, it is my prayer that your dreams will never be suffocated and your hopes never buried. Have an extremely happy life.
- Welcome to the magical world of manhood! The most amazing time of your life begins at 21. I hope you enjoy all the beauty, magic and excitement that accompany this wonderful stage of your life. Happy 21st birthday.
Happy Birthday Wishes for an Adult Nephew
- Happiness is the greatest gift on earth, and you bring it to me every day. Happy birthday, my dear!
- You are wonderfully made to achieve God’s purpose on earth. And I pray that you will live to fulfill that purpose to the latter. God’s got your back! Happy birthday to my nephew.
- You have not only been a wonderful nephew to me, but also a sweet friend. On your special day, I wish that God will continue to pour down His amazing blessings upon your life.
- I am blessed as can be because I am uncle/auntie to the most phenomenal nephew in the world.
- Dear nephew, you have brought so much happiness into the lives of everyone in this family. Here’s to many more wonderful and happy years to come.
Sweet Happy Birthday Wishes for a Young Nephew
- True happiness is having a wonderful nephew like you. Happy birthday.
- I’ve made it my mission to go extraordinary heights to make you happy because you are a child of substance, a rare gem.
- Happy birthday, dear nephew. Always know that I am happy and proud to be your uncle/auntie.
- My heart bursts with joy whenever I see your smile. May you always be blessed with a smile on your face.
- I promise to guide you, offer good counsel, be exemplary, and helpful to you in your life’s journey. After all, nothing is more fulfilling for me than doing this. Happy birthday to you, my sweet nephew.
- May every single wish you make today come true and put a sweet smile on your lovely face.
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