Sweetest Kisses! | 60 Happy Valentine’s Day Wishes for Friends
Valentine’s Day isn’t just for lovers. It’s about cherishing all the friends that enrich our lives with their love and devotion, too. Post a picture to social media with a heartwarming or funny caption. Maybe, you’re more reserved and would like to privately message your friends.
Either way, finding the words for platonic love can sometimes be difficult. That’s why we’ve collected these cute and comical texts to help you put words to your lovely thoughts.

Table of Contents
- Warm Valentine’s Day Wishes For A Friend
- Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends
- Funny Valentine’s Messages for Friends
Warm Valentine’s Day Wishes For A Friend
Use one of these wishes for a friendly Valentine message via text or social media.
- It doesn’t need to be February 14th for me to tell you that I adore you, but I sure hope the day is extra special for an extra special friend.
- If anyone deserves a sweetheart treat, it’s my dearest pal with a heart of gold. Happy V-Day.
- On a day of celebrating the ones we love the most, I’d like to thank you for your friendship and wish you many flowers and treats.
- May my lovely friend’s day be filled with nothing but happiness and love as you go about your Valentine’s activities.
- Xoxo to my good friend. Hope Cupid brings a lot of goodies for your enjoyment.
- Sending you warmest Valentine’s Day wishes and friendly kisses.
- It’s a day to let those we prize the most know how much we care. So, I’m sending a very big, very long, very sloppy hug out just for you.
- You weren’t my first friend and likely not my last, but it doesn’t take Cupid to remind me that you are my best friend.
- The only thing better than you is you with chocolate! Hope you have a sweet Valentine’s holiday.
- Surround yourself with sweet true blue friends, and you’ll never be red-faced or salty about being single in February.
- I love our friend-mance and all the kissy-face selfies we make on couple holidays. No day feels lonely with you by my side.
- Whether miles apart or sitting side-by-side, this is one friendship that will always be mine to cherish.
- The warmth, kindness, and love you bring to my life is worth a million boxes of Millionaire$ candies. You’re fantastic!
- It may not be a great day to be single, but it is the perfect day to tell a friend how much you care. Much love to all my single ladies.
Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends
- Love is friendship that has caught on fire. Ann Landers
- A friend is what the heart needs all the time. Henry Van Dyke
- As good friends go, you really shine. Let’s be each other’s Valentine! Anonymous
- Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer. Jean de La Fontaine
- A friendship that like love is warm; A love like friendship, steady. Thomas Moore
- Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. Helen Keller
- A friend is someone who knows all about you, and still loves you. Elbert Hubbard
- There is nothing better than a friend unless it is a friend with chocolate. Linda Grayson
- If there ever comes a day where we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever. Winnie The Pooh
- A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow. William Shakespeare
- A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. Jim Morrison
- Friendship gives wings to the heart as if there is no distance that can set them apart. Anonymous
- Good friends are like the stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there. Anonymous
- Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing. Elie Wiesel
- The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. Hubert H. Humphrey
- True friends are like diamonds — bright, beautiful, valuable and always in style. Nicole Richie
- The only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson
- My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. Henry Ford
Funny Valentine’s Messages for Friends
Use one of these texts for those friends with a sweet sense of humor.
- Just a friendly reminder that I’m on a diet, but you can always get diamonds instead.
- Single, in a relationship, or it’s complicated, whatever the status may be on this day each year, it’s kind of fun knowing that bacon remains the most amazing food on earth through it all.
- I don’t always acknowledge Valentine’s Day, but, when I do, it’s to tell my friends that they’re beyond awesomeness.
- I’m so proud we can be weird together and boycott this whole Valentine’s ordeal with chocolate, pizza, and a chick flick.
- To all those saying you spend Valentine’s without a sweetheart because you’re too picky, just remind them that they spend it with someone new each year because they aren’t picky enough. Of course, they also don’t have an amazing friend like me to share the holidays.
- I plan to take a very romantic walk from the fridge to the couch, and you’re more than welcome to join me as my V-Day compadre.
- Date? Psst, I’m just waiting for all the Valentine’s candy to go on sale tomorrow.
- Should we make popcorn to scroll all the social media Valentine’s pics of people we know hated each other yesterday and will again by tomorrow?
- I’ll be your gal pal Val date if you be my chocolate police.
- I’d send you a VD card, but I’m afraid the stamp would get stuck on you.
- I’d have Tweeted you a HVD, but everyone would think we are Tweethearts. Love you big!
- Here’s to better luck in the present department at Christmas.
- How long is it until Christmas again?
Best Friend Valentine’s Wishes
One of these Valentine’s texts will be perfect for your bestie.
- Thanks for being the other half of #friendshipgoals. You make scoring the winning shot look easy as pie.
- HVD! You deserve all the love and treasures in the world my beautiful, kind, and priceless BFF.
- You may be the crush of every guy around, but you’re the one crushing this thing called friendship. My bestie is better than all the rest.
- You’re that diamond that makes everyday shine and sparkle. Cheers to Valenfriend’s Day!
- I couldn’t do life without my rock, my bestie. No matter if single or coupled, you’ll always be near and dear to my heart.
- Any occasion that celebrates true love deserves special recognition of the most steadfast friend who’s always there to pick up the pieces after the ebb and flow of every failed romance. Just saying.
- You’re not just my friend… you’re my best friend. That’s the best gift ever.
- When two besties argue over who loves who more, the winner is the one that brings the candies and movie on Valentine weekend.
- Just remember that the only date that matters on this occasion is February 15th… the day we have a girls day to collect all the discounted goodies.
- I couldn’t make it through everyday, much less a day to celebrate great love, without my truest, dearest, and nearest friend. You make my world a rosier place.
- Red roses, creamy white candies, and little pink bears, but friends like you show your true colors all year long without spending a dime. Love you more than the dollar store on payday.
- You may not hear a Symphony bar or have a Whoppers kind of love on February 14th, but it’s still 100 Grand because you’ll Now and Later be the Bit-O-Honey that I want to Mound all my Snickers with everyday.
- My life simply wouldn’t be complete without 50 BFF texts daily to discuss every facet of life. But, just a fair warning, I’ll probably need at least 51 on a single Valentine’s Day.
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