50+ Smile Captions to Spread That Positive Energy
Smiles are powerful, beautiful, and healing to both self and onlookers. We smile for innumerable reasons, all of which signal significant life moments. Such moments are always picture-worthy, and we often have a natural inclination to share these pictures with friends, family, or even the world on social media. But what about the caption to explain these smiling photos?
We may be great smilers and photogs, but sometimes the words are hard to come by to express the sentiment behind the smiles, right? That’s why we have collected this amazing list of potential smile captions for you to use. Simply select your favorite text and place it underneath your social media post.

Table of Contents
Smile Captions For Instagram Selfies
Place one of these captions under your Instagram selfies.
- Needed free therapy. So, I smiled today for Instagram.
- When woes and frowns have wounded thy face’s happiness, show Instagram the instant healing balm of a smiling selfie.
- Never be afraid to selfie smile to yourself, about yourself, for yourself, nor over yourself.
- Alright, selfie… let’s shutter a smile for the crowd.
- My favorite exercise is smiling. It always lifts the heavy weight of the world right off my shoulders.
- If it made you smile, then there’s nothing to regret.
- Smiling my best life one selfie at a time.
- I’ll give you 2021 guesses as to the source of my smile. Ready, set, go…
- When you can’t change your longitude and latitude, you can always change your attitude with a smile.
- I came. I saw. I smiled. End of story.
- The best smiles happen when no one else is around to see them and an Instagram smile selfie is the only proof it ever happened.
- One bad chapter doesn’t mean you can’t smile about the book. #selfielove
- In a world of thousands of selfie face potentials for Instagram, I choose the simplicity of a #smile.
- Smiles aren’t exclusively for the now. Sometimes, it’s the memory of yesterday or the hope of tomorrow.
- Some cry because it’s over, but I choose to smile because it happened and may happen again.
Cute Smile Captions
Match those cute smiles with an equally cute caption.
- Don’t just stop to smell the roses. Smile at them beauties, too.
- Smiling never costs you a thing, but it can extensively raise your net facial worth.
- Your real money maker is between your chin and nose. So, forget shaking it and start smiling it.
- You may not be able to always put sprinkles on your donuts or a cherry on your ice cream, but you can always put a smile on your sweet face.
- Want to find happiness? Look right under your nose and just smile when you find it.
- It’s not a smile. It’s a silent giggle.
- Look ma, I caught a smile!
- In a world where we have books written in hundreds of languages, the expression of a single smile speaks volumes to everyone.
- When you see someone lacking a smile, just give them your own generous smile.
- Start each day with a simple smile, and you’ll start to understand the complexity of happiness after awhile.
- Facial expressions are the unspoken bio by which people judge who you are. Write yours with a smile.
- Did you know that smiling is the most recommended solution to a bad hair or bad skin day? It turns up your look like nothing else.
- A smile is the one thing you can take with you anywhere and everywhere you go, and it doesn’t even cost you a passenger ticket.
Your Smile Captions
These captions can sum up someone else’s smiling face on your social media.
- Offering your gentle smile has the profound power to change everything in someone else’s world.
- Smiles are one of the few things more valuable in quantity than quality. #FakeItTillYouMakeIt
- The brightness of your smile is a neon open sign for goodness to seek room and board in your heart.
- When happiness can’t be the source of all your smiles, allow your smiles to be the source of all your happiness.
- Always be the reason someone smiles today.
- Your smile is the most important fashion choice you’ll make in life.
- Count your age by the number of your smiles, not your miles and trials.
- Want to know how your personality signs its autograph? Your smile.
- Make the world wonder how you’re still smiling.
- When the beauty of a face can launch a thousand ships, remember that your smile is the wind for the sails.
- Never let the world change your smiling face when you can use your smiling face to be the change you want to see in the world.
- Whether it’s surprise, anger, disgust, fear, sadness, or enjoyment, meet each emotion with a reason to show your smile.
- Almost everything can be taken from you, but a smile is exclusively yours to keep and offer.
Short Smile Captions
Keep your captions simple with one of these short and sweet options.
- Life’s short. Smile more.
- Forget cheese. I’m all about the cheesecake shot.
- My best makeup is my best smile.
- My response to everything… 🙂
- Keep your caption small and your smile big.
- I like to confuse people… so I smile.
- Don’t wait for a reason. Just do it.
- Smile and wait for it.
- Dare someone to not be happy.
- The smile shall set you free.
- Take the curves with a smi)e.
- Now, I’m fully dressed and ready for whatever the day unfolds.
- Set the haters straight with the curve of that smile.
- #notTodaysatan
- You don’t need a reason to let your smile be your beacon.
- Stop to smile your best life.
- Excuse me while I smile for you.
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