What to Write in an Anniversary Card | 124 Happy Anniversary Wishes for a Special Couple
A wedding anniversary is not just a day of mere celebration. It is a day of remembrance and honoring the love and commitment that two people share with one another. Marriages that last are so special and it is important to commit to the aspects of a relationship that create longevity. Throughout the year, it can be easy to get caught up in a busy, fast-paced life with little to no time to stop and spend quality time with your spouse. So you will certainly want to make your anniversary a special day to remember and show your spouse how much you truly appreciate him/her.
Here’s 30 wedding anniversary wishes that are sure to show your spouse how much you appreciate the years you’ve spent together and the years to come.

Table of Contents
- Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Friends
- Happy Anniversary to you both | Messages for a Friendly Couple
- Happy First Anniversary Wishes for Couples
- 2nd Anniversary Wishes for a friend or friendly couple
- 5th Anniversary Wishes for a friend or a friendly couple
- Happy 10th Anniversary Wishes
- Happy 20th Anniversary!
- Happy 30th Anniversary!
Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Friends
- If love is like the wind because we cannot see it but we can feel it, then your marriage is a beautiful tree and your kisses are its leaves.
- Like the ocean filled with water that cannot be weighed or counted, so is your marriage filled with love and laughter. May it never run dry.
- Now you have a family, kids counting one, two, three, may your anniversary be as special as the first one filled with glee.
- Your relationship reminds me that walking together in the rain is always better than walking alone on a cloudless day.
- You two are the reason I want to fall in love someday.
- Like the stars in the sky, so are the many heartfelt moments you have shared together, too many to be counted. May you share many more in years to come.
- If life were a garden, the seeds of your love would grow the most beautiful roses ever seen. Happy anniversary, friends.
- At times you may hate each other like Tom and Jerry, but you two like them are inseparable.
- Some say you can’t live without love, but others still think breathing is important. Don’t forget to breath.
- Glad you two found each other. Now you can bother each other with your calls, late night dinners and annoying jokes.
- If Santa asks me about my relationship goals this year, can I show him a picture of you two?
- When you see married couples walking together, the one who is in front is usually angry. I suggest you both do some power-walking and keep up with each other.
- They say there are many recipes for a successful marriage. But the one thing that beats them all is learning to say: “I will do the dishes.”
- A great marriage is not when two perfect people get married. It is when two imperfect people fall in love with the imperfections.
- A happy marriage is a conversation that never lasts long enough. May yours be never-ending.
- The best kind of love is the one that can make you come alive inside and reach for all that you wish to be.
- I’m so happy that two of my favorite people became best friends and got married. Those people are you two.
- Love is the ingredient that turns the dust of everyday life into a golden masterpiece. Your love is truly art.
- When two ordinary people fall in love, life becomes an extraordinary event.
- Happy love life day. Happy marriage day. Happy I’m so jealous of you day. There are lots of ways to say this… Happy wedding anniversary.
- There is no better offering in life of love, friendship or charm than a great marriage.
- Happiness is having someone to hold, someone to listen, and lips to kiss. Happy wedding anniversary to someone who deserves to be this happy.
- It is during the darkest moments that we are able to see the brightest people in our lives. Glad you found your light in the darkness.
- If love is the force that drives out all our worries in life, then marriage should be a daily guide to life’s precious moments.
- Like cream and sugar mixed together, you guys make a deliciously great couple. Enjoy each moment together.
- Some say love is like a friendship that caught aflame; so it looks like you two are BFF’s for life. Congrats on your anniversary.
- Love is often the one thing that propels us towards greatness, in faith of a brighter future. Here is hoping that your marriage will be a forever reminder of these truths.
- A kiss can melt away worries, a smile can soften a heart, and a touch can bring immeasurable joy. Hoping your marriage is filled with all this and more.
- A good marriage is when two forgiving people decide to do life together.
- A honeymoon is like having a sleepover where no one sleeps on the couch. Hope yours lasts a lifetime.
- Love is a valuable thing, and we never have enough until we give it away.
- Everyone has a story to tell, but your love story is the most beautiful of all.
- If others can love to the moon and back, you two have built your own planet.
- Marriage is talking with your eyes, listening with your heart and showing approval with a warm hug.
- They say love can be blind, but marriage brings love into reality.
- The secret to a great marriage is falling in love every morning and making sure the person you fall asleep with is the same person you woke up with.
- Cows go moo, chickens cluck and pigs oink, but you two rule the barn house!
Happy Anniversary to you both | Messages for a Friendly Couple
When you are looking for anniversary messages for a friendly couple, these ones will be a sure hit!
- Have an amazing anniversary- you are one of the best couples I have ever known!
- Here’s wishing the perfect pair the perfect day on their anniversary!
- Anniversaries are special, just like the two of you! Hope your day brings nothing but love and joy!
- Have an amazing anniversary! Here’s to many happy days together celebrating your love for one another!
- It was apparent you two would be together from day one- happy anniversary to the best couple ever!
- Take the time to look back on the sweet memories you have together on this most blessed anniversary!
- Best wishes to the most loving and perfectly-paired couple ever to walk the earth. Your day will shine brighter than ever with the two of you together!
- Love and wishes and lots of kisses to the best couple on the planet- I’m so glad to see the two of you together!
- Congratulations on your anniversary-you two are without a doubt the best couple I have ever had the pleasure to know!
Happy First Anniversary Wishes for Couples
When they’ve spent a whole year together, that says something, doesn’t it?
- Wishing a dazzling first anniversary to the most beautiful couple ever. Sweethearts, may God always have a reason to place His mighty hands on your precious union and bless it abundantly.
- Happy first anniversary to my absolute favorite couple of all time! May you have an incredibly happy and magical union until the end of time.
- On your first anniversary, guys, we wish you a lifetime of absolute happiness and peace. Keep on rocking each other’s world.
- Happy first anniversary! Hoping that this very special day in the life of your beautiful union will strengthen your bond and bless your marriage in countless ways.
- Wishing you a blessed and happy first anniversary. Hope this anniversary bestows your marriage with more love, fun, peace and happiness.
- Happy first anniversary, my dears! May every moment of your union be the most beautiful you’ve ever had.
- Happy first anniversary to the most incredible couple I know! Guys, may you forever see true beauty and love in each other’s eyes. God bless you.
2nd Anniversary Wishes for a friend or friendly couple
When you need anniversary wishes for friends celebrating their two years, check these wishes out!
- Two years can fly by when you are a couple like yourselves- congratulations on your anniversary!
- Happy anniversary on this perfect day! Here’s hoping you have the best day ever!
- Best wishes and lots of love to the most wonderful couple I have ever known! Much love to you both!
- I can’t believe it’s been two years already-have a great anniversary with many more to come!
- Happy 2nd anniversary to a couple of the best friends I have ever had. I’m lucky to know such amazing people!
- It’s another year, and that means it’s another year to celebrate! Have the best anniversary possible!
- Happy 2nd anniversary to a couple who were destined to be together from day one. Here’s hoping for many more!
- It’s been two years already? Amazing how time goes by! Cheers to the sweetest couple I know!
- You could write a book of poems based on your obvious love for one another- happy anniversary!
- Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and best wishes on this amazing day. Wishing you continued love and happiness!
5th Anniversary Wishes for a friend or a friendly couple
Fifth anniversary dates are a big deal, so consider one of these greetings when you need to wish someone a great anniversary!
- Your love has been a huge inspiration to me! I hope your fifth anniversary is filled with love, happiness, and cheer!
- You’re my favorite couple, and I hope your anniversary brings you the best day ever! God bless the two of you!
- Another year spent together with many more on the horizon. Best wishes to a couple who knows how to make it work!
- You fell in love and stayed there- an amazing feat in this day and age! Have a happy anniversary!
- Your love burns brighter than the stars in the sky, and I hope nothing but the best for you two on this amazing day! Love and laughter always!
- Best wishes to one of the most amazing couples out there. I hope you continue walking hand-in-hand for many more years!
- Have a marvelous anniversary day-you’ve earned it! Five years is an amazing deal to be proud of!
- Wishing the most beautiful couple the most beautiful day! Lots of love and best wishes to the both of you for five solid years!
- Five years together is a huge deal- have the best anniversary that you can!
Happy 10th Anniversary Wishes
You can officially call this “a long time”!
- Happy 10th anniversary! Here’s to a lifetime of fabulously beautiful memories together. May God forever bless your incredibly wonderful and inspiring union.
- Wishing a truly fantastic 10th anniversary to a fantastic couple. For being such a beautiful couple, the two of you deserve the best of everything beautiful in this world. Enjoy your milestone anniversary to the fullest!
- You’re a truly remarkable couple. It’s been 10 years after your wedding yet it seems as though you only just got married yesterday! Happy 10th anniversary!
- You are nothing short of a wonderful couple. May the heavens bless you with a beautiful anniversary celebration and life together. Happy 10th anniversary!
- Happy 10th anniversary! Wishing you a special day crammed with wonderful moments and a union filled to its brim with love and happiness.
- My best wishes for you as you mark your 10th anniversary together. May you celebrate many beautiful milestone anniversaries to come! Happy 10th anniversary!
- Here’s to a truly lovely couple! Celebrating the occasion of your 10th anniversary isn’t only special to you, it is also special to me. May happiness and peace always have countless reasons to dwell in the midst of your union. Happy 10th anniversary!
Happy 20th Anniversary!
Two decades are the proof of something that works.
- Wishing you a 20th anniversary filled with magical moments. May this important milestone celebration bring into your marriage plenty of love, peace, fun and joy.
- Happy 20th anniversary! Even when I think both of you can’t get any more awesome, you do. God has indeed blessed your union. I pray He continues to do so until hell freezes over!
- A very happy 20th anniversary celebration to one of the most outstanding couples ever! It’s an honor and a great privilege to know you, guys.
- Happy 20th anniversary! Hoping this remarkable anniversary of yours will be as amazingly beautiful as your union. May God bless you and gift you everlasting happiness and love.
- There’s absolutely only just one word for your marriage: incredible! I have no doubts at all in my mind that you are both destined to love each other and be together till the end of time.
- It’s very successful and truly happy marriages like yours that motivate people to get married and remain married. Wishing both of you a very happy 20th anniversary. Thank you for inspiring us!
- Happy 20th anniversary! Darlings, may you be blessed with a happy and prosperous life together for an eternity.
Happy 30th Anniversary!
- Wishing an incredibly happy 30th anniversary celebration to a very special couple! May your union continue to blossom for an eternity.
- 10 is cool. 20 is even cooler. 30 is absolutely cool! Happy 30th anniversary to the coolest couple anywhere in the world.
- Wishing a fabulously happy 30th anniversary to one of the sweetest couples I’ve ever known. May every blessed day of your lives together begin and end in absolute love and joy. You absolutely deserve it.
- Happy 30th anniversary to an amazing couple! I am so glad that God has blessed you with a fairytale romance. May He continue to bestow this priceless blessing on you for an eternity.
- It’s unbelievable how after all these decades you still love each other as much as you did on your wedding day. You’re truly an inspiring couple. Wishing you an extraordinarily happy 30th anniversary!
- Happy 30th anniversary to one of the planet’s most beautiful couples! May the incredibly strong and beautiful bond of love existing between both of you last for all eternity.
- Guys, bravo on being married for approximately 30 years! I hope you enjoy this very special anniversary of yours to the fullest. Happy 30th anniversary.
Happy 40-year Anniversary
- 40 years of being together is not an ordinary achievement! Your marriage/union inspires me more than I could ever express!
- Happy 40th anniversary celebration! May you be blessed with many more wonderful milestone anniversaries like this. Thank you for constantly being an inspiration to couples around you.
- The sun is shining even more beautifully today just because it wants to join us in wishing you a happy anniversary. Have yourselves a magnificently happy 40th anniversary! We love you, guys!
- My warmest wishes on the remarkable occasion of your 40th anniversary. May you be blessed with true happiness…today, tomorrow and until the end of time.
- Wow, I can’t believe your marriage officially turns 40 years old today. To say that your union is amazing is certainly the understatement of the 21st century! It is fabulously, fantastically awesome…just the way the two of you are. Happy 40th anniversary!
- The brilliant judges have finally come out with their decision and you are the recipients of the “World’s Best Couple” Award! Your incredible matrimony never ceases to amaze me. Happy 40th anniversary.
- Congrats on your 40th anniversary. May the next 40 years of your amazing lives together be even sweeter and more wonderful than the first 40.
- Happy 40th anniversary! Four solid decades have come and gone…and your marriage is still around and more beautiful than ever! I applaud you for this incredible achievement.
- Wishing you a tremendously glorious 40th anniversary! On this remarkable milestone anniversary, I salute your union as one of the most inspirational of all time. May you forever create beautiful memories together.
50th Anniversary Wishes for a friend or a friendly couple
Use the following anniversary messages to wish your favorite couple the best anniversary when they reach fifty years.
- Happy 50th anniversary to a team of two like no other. Your love and devotion is an inspiration to us all!
- My best wishes to you on your 50th anniversary. May you look back on your years together with love and laughter!
- Your love is a wonderful example of how strong two people can be together when they are right for one another. Wishing you many more years together!
- Happy anniversary to the best couple I have ever known. Fifty years together is a milestone most people will never reach, but you did it!
- Your love has stood the test of time. I hope you have the most amazing 50th anniversary two people could ever have together!
- To the most wonderful couple on their very own golden anniversary- your 50 years together is an inspiration to every one of your friends and family!
- Wishing you many more years of love and devotion on your 50th anniversary!
- Here’s to the both of you on a day that most people can only imagine! 50 years is something to be celebrated and cherished, and I hope you celebrate for many more years!
- Most people can only dream of the love you two have. Happy 50th anniversary to two of the most wonderful people I have ever had the pleasure to know!
Happy Wedding Anniversary Images
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